
## _...Psicofonia..._ नुक्चो ~~ ᚿᛂᚴᚱᚮmusicᛔterapieᛋᚤᛐᚤᚮ ¨¨ sống´´ psychedelic music_ experience for your soul!

terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2012

Psyculture Festival - Grecce

Psyculture Festival @ Grecce _
My last festival of Europe tour 2012....
I want to thank everyone involved in my tour of india and europe.
Were 4 months, Necropsycho and Ogoun (necropsycho+darkwhisper) Europe Tour... 
Killaaa moments, super partys and nice people! .... THANKS Freakz! ♥
Thanks for everything and all support. Booooooooom!