## _...Psicofonia..._ नुक्चो ~~ ᚿᛂᚴᚱᚮmusicᛔterapieᛋᚤᛐᚤᚮ ¨¨ sống´´ psychedelic music_ experience for your soul!
sábado, 29 de dezembro de 2012
domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2012
Ep_ Necropsycho - Hallucinogenic Lyrical - DarkValley Rec 001
Ep_ Necropsycho - Hallucinogenic Lyrical - DarkValley Rec - 001
#Hallucinogenic Lyrical #
1.Necropsycho meet Joana d'Arc - Mysteeri 120bpm*
2.Necropsycho - Der Fenriswolf 148bpm
3.Necropsycho - Music Box 200bpm
4.Necropsycho - Tibetan bells voices 165bpm
*this track
Music made intuitive
A little portions of the pagan Celtic and folk music.
Big thanks to my family and Friends!
Music makes us heal and awaken!
Producer @ Carmine Eugenio Tarsitano aka Nuccho
Mastering @ Dark Whisper
Art @ Magnori
bookings. djnuccho@hotmail.com
ॐ Om Shanti ॐ
Links for Download
segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2012
sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2012
2013 Dates
- # 2013 dates_
- 19 January - Psychogênesys - Viçosa MG
- 25 January - Megiddo live in Arcadium Bar - BH
- 08 February - Zuvuya Festival - Brasilia
- 16 March - LOST ISLAND PRIVATE - Rio de Janeiro
- 20 March - Meditation with Nuccho - Guarulhos SP
- 28 March - Dream Vision Festival - Bonito PE
- 06 April - FOREST PEACE__ॐ - Campinas SP
- 13 April - PVTrance 5 anos - Riacho Grande - SP
- 20 April - Astral Connection - Brasilia
- 04 May - Cultura Galactica - SP
- 18 May - Cosmic Crew 10 Years B-day - São Paulo
- 25 May - Gypsy Ballon - Sao Paulo
- 29 May - Festival Mundo de Oz - São Paulo
- 06 June - INNER SANCTUM FESTIVAL - Hungary
- 14 June - Totacum - Transylvania Romania
- 21 June - *Mystic Rituals* Summer Solstice Ritual - Switzerland
- 30 June - Vale do Acido Swiss Version - Thusis Switzerland
- 05 July - Munich - Germany
- 13 July - A XUXA TINHA RAZÃO - Belem
- 20 July - Xyryry Kuaray - SP
- 27 July - Freaks United - São Paulo
- 10 August - Shamanism - Brasilia
- 17 August - Psychogênesys - Viçosa MG
- 24 August - Respect - São Paulo
- 07 September - Ritual Psyseed - Curitiba
- 12 September - The Darkness - São Paulo
- 14 September - Danza Macabra - Nekropolis SP
- 28 September - After Danza Macabra - SP
- 05 October - Magma Trance - São Paulo
- 12 October - Kumbha - São Paulo
- 26 October - Chile // special 6hours _ritual
- 02 November - DarkValley Label Party - Vale do Acido - MG
- 09 November - União Cósmica - São Paulo
- 10 November - MoreTrance DayParty - Nekropolis
- 19 November - FreaksUnited Shiva Club - SP
- 16 November - Ufo Abduction Special 9 hrs live - Brasilia
- 30 November - Popol Vuh ''Nahui Oxlan'' MEXICO
- 07 December - Shanti Pvt - Curitiba PR
- 13 December - Fortaleza
- 14 December - Grimm - Sao Paulo
"E aqueles que estavam dançando, foram julgados insanos, por aqueles que não podiam escutar a música..." (Friedrich Nietzsche )
segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2012
sexta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2012
terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2012
Aghori Ritual... 8 hours NecroRitual. live.
Special dreams, special things_lets happen!
Everything that is alive moves, movement is life! Dancing is moving with awareness, the body shape is the feeling of life. It is the purest expression of self!
Aghori Pvt Ritual will be held with the intention of promoting their personal development and make breakthroughs in their own interior, is my plea for a spiritual revolution, the best things in life can not be seen or even touched, but felt by heart .. . If we can put aside differences, I believe that we can communicate, exchange ideas and share experiences with ease, q I hope everyone can find their spiritual peace that day, it will be an event done with much love!! Namaste ***
segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2012
Necropsycho Biography
Completing 9 years of history, recognized the psychedelic world scenario, Carmine E. Tarsitano aka Nuccho, Brazilian Sao Paulo Guarulhos, responsible for projects: Necropsycho, Megiddo; Ogoun with the Italian producer DarkWhisper and Aliens Corporation with German producer SystemCrash.
Necropsycho was originally created in 2003 in partnership with his friend Hermann. Having influence as Goa Trance, Experimental, Hardcore, Industrial (EBM), Drum n Bass, Rock n Roll, Folk, Tribal and Ethnic Ancestry songs. Thereby creating a personality in its own digital compositions can thus manifest and achieve the most diverse affections of the soul through sound.
His first gigs were at parties and clubs in São Paulo and Guarulhos and parties organized by Zamatrupe and Cosmic Crew. In 2006 he had his first international recognition, signing and releasing his first songs in CD format, the Swedish label Hypnotica rec. and Brazilian label Dead Tree Prod, appearing out of the state of São Paulo.
In 2008 and 2009 gave a big boom in his career, with the release of the album "Split, Extreme Deformities" in partnership with producers Demonizz and Bash and the release of their EP Nekropolis with the label Metropolis rec. In the same year started the side project "Megiddo" with bpm lower, influenced by his friend Bruno Azalim project Onionbrain and out Ep of Megiddo (Chaos Magic) by Mind Tweakers Records rec.
Then, beginning gave their first performances by international Central America (Guatemala and Costa Rica) and tour in Europe (Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Austria, Poland and Germany). Also performing at major festivals in Brazil, Festival Fora do Tempo, Samsara, Paralello Universe, SoulVision, Mystic Tribe, 303 Festival, Zuvuya Festival.
In the middle of 2010, was asked by the record label to launch Uroboros Rec Ep NecroDrops with tracks focused on ambient, experimental and hardcore. Shortly after the EP release, he left for a long tour in Europe for 5 months, which started the project with Ogoun Darkwhisper and Aliens Corporation with System Crash design and more perfecting your knowledge with music production participating in workshops in Munich - Germany.
From 2010 to 2011, released their debut album Macabre Queen by Hypnotica Records (which had all the copies sold) and Ogoun debut album Enter the Void by Japanese Label Rockdenashi Prod. And more accomplished a feat of playing longer; coming to present themselves for hours, being called 'NecroRitual', their debut live 6 hours in Itabira - MG, 10 hours in Ipatinga, with the aim of transforming each presentation something unique and experimental.
With the release of their debut Macabre Queen made the first tour in India with 4 presentations, which absorbed more knowledge and honed his techniques, and expanded his talent because the spiritual experiences and connecting electronic music with tribal ancestries. One of the great landmarks of these experiences was a presentation of 8 hours in Guatemala to celebrate the Day of Dead in October 2011.
Soon after, occurred the first tour of the project Ogoun by Brazil in 2012 and now one more tour of India and Europe which consequently ended the second album Ogoun that provided its launch in late 2012.
Committed to the results with regard to the public, following its mission; aware that this impact is born through the essential possibility of transcendence.
_Biografia Português_
Completando 9 anos de
trajetória, reconhecido no cenário psicodélico mundial, Carmine E. Tarsitano
aka Nuccho, brasileiro de São Paulo, cidade de Guarulhos, responsável pelos
projetos: Necropsycho, Megiddo; Ogoun junto ao produtor musical Italiano
DarkWhisper e Aliens Corporation com o produtor Alemão SystemCrash.
Necropsycho inicialmente foi
criado em 2003 com parceria de seu amigo Hermann. Tendo como influência Goa
Trance, Experimental, Hardcore, Industrial(EBM), Drum n Bass, Rock n Roll,
passando pelo Folk, Tribal e musicas Étnicas Ancestrais. Criando dessa forma
uma personalidade própria em suas composições digitais podendo assim manifestar
e alcançar os mais diversos afetos da alma mediante ao som.
Suas primeiras apresentações
ocorreram em festas e clubs em São Paulo e Guarulhos e festas organizadas por
Zamatrupe e Cosmic Crew. Em 2006 teve seu primeiro reconhecimento
internacional, assinando e lançando suas primeiras músicas em formato CD, pela
gravadora sueca Hypnotica rec. e a gravadora brasileira Dead Tree Prod, apresentando-se fora do Estado de São Paulo.
Em 2008 e 2009 deu um grande boom
em sua carreira profissional, com o
lançamento do álbum "Split, Extreme Deformities" em parceria com os produtores
Bash e Demonizz e o lançamento de seu Ep Nekropolis com a label Metropolis rec.
No mesmo ano deu inicio ao seu projeto
paralelo “Megiddo” com os bpm mais baixo, por influência de seu amigo Bruno
Azalim do projeto Onionbrain, Lançando um Ep do Megiddo (Magic Chaos) pela
gravadora Mind Tweakers rec.
Em seguida; deu inicio suas
primeiras apresentações internacionais pela America Central(Guatemala e Costa
Rica) e tour na Europa(Bélgica, Itália, Suécia, Suiça, Republica Tcheca,
Austria, Polônia e Alemanha). E também se apresentando em grandes Festivais
pelo Brasil, tais como Festival Fora do Tempo, Samsara, Universo Paralello,
SoulVision, Mystic Tribe, 303 Festival, Zuvuya Festival.
No meio do ano de 2010, foi
convidado pela gravadora Uroboros Rec. a lançar o Ep NecroDrops com as tracks
voltada ao ambient, experimental e hardcore. Logo após o lançamento do EP,
partiu para uma longa tour na Europa de 5 meses, onde deu inicio ao projeto
Ogoun com Darkwhisper e Aliens Corporation com projeto System Crash e se
aperfeiçoando mais seu conhecimento com produção musical participando em
workshops em Munich – Alemanha.
De 2010 para 2011, lançou seu Álbum
debut Macabra Queen pela gravadora Hypnotica (onde teve todas as copias
vendidas) e o Álbum debut Ogoun Enter the Void pela Gravadora Japonesa
Rockdenashi Prod. E realizou mais uma façanha de tocar por mais tempo; chegando
a apresentar-se por horas seguidas, sendo chamado de ‘NecroRitual’, estréia seu
live de 6 horas em Itabira – MG, de 10 horas em Ipatinga, com intuito de cada
apresentação transformando algo único e experimental.
Com o lançamento de seu debut
Macabra Queen, fez a primeira tour na Índia com 4 apresentações, onde absorveu
mais conhecimentos e aperfeiçoou suas técnicas, e expandiu seu talento devido
as vivências espirituais e conectando a
música eletrônica com ancestralidades tribais. Um dos grandes marcos dessas
experiências, foi uma apresentação de 8 horas na Guatemala para celebrar o dia
dos mortos em Outubro de 2011.
Logo após, Ocorreu a primeira tour
do projeto Ogoun pelo Brasil e agora em 2012 mais uma tour pela Índia e Europa
que conseqüentemente finalizou o segundo álbum do Ogoun que esta previsto seu
lançamento para o final de 2012.
Comprometido com os resultados no
que diz respeito ao público, segue sua missão; ciente de que através desse
impacto nasça a possibilidade essencial de transcendência.
:::::::: labels and friends corporation __
(Alice-D rec. / DarkValley rec. / Olotropo rec. / Forest Family / Uroboros rec. / Hypnotica rec. / Triplag radio )
:::::::: labels and friends corporation __
(Alice-D rec. / DarkValley rec. / Olotropo rec. / Forest Family / Uroboros rec. / Hypnotica rec. / Triplag radio )
quarta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2012
Shamanism Dance Floor - Brasilia...Brazil!
Super moments!!!...........................super dance floor...power energy!
next dates...on Brasil Places
Boooooom Folks!
next dates...on Brasil Places
- 31 August - DoomsDay HoleClub - São Paulo
- 06 September - Samsara Festival 13 anos - MG
- 21 September - Earthdance São Paulo
- 29 September - Aghori Ritual Pvt_ 8hours - Vale do Acido MG
Boooooom Folks!
terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2012
Psyculture Festival - Grecce
Psyculture Festival @ Grecce _
My last festival of Europe tour 2012....
I want to thank everyone involved in my tour of india and europe.
Were 4 months, Necropsycho and Ogoun (necropsycho+darkwhisper) Europe Tour...
Killaaa moments, super partys and nice people! .... THANKS Freakz! ♥
Thanks for everything and all support. Booooooooom!
My last festival of Europe tour 2012....
I want to thank everyone involved in my tour of india and europe.
Were 4 months, Necropsycho and Ogoun (necropsycho+darkwhisper) Europe Tour...
Killaaa moments, super partys and nice people! .... THANKS Freakz! ♥
Thanks for everything and all support. Booooooooom!
segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2012
quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2012
quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012
last picturez from last party - passau Germany!
segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2012
sábado, 5 de maio de 2012
terça-feira, 1 de maio de 2012
Flachau montain snow Party ## OgoUn Act!
have touched this place, was a great experience in my life.
climb the mountain, walking 3 hours, reaching 2000 meters high.
playing for the few who came out, see the day dawn playing .. too cold and snow everywhere.
while the sacrifice was to arrive on the location and go through some bad times, it was very good to get experience and see the landscape and play.
climb the mountain, walking 3 hours, reaching 2000 meters high.
playing for the few who came out, see the day dawn playing .. too cold and snow everywhere.
while the sacrifice was to arrive on the location and go through some bad times, it was very good to get experience and see the landscape and play.
quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012
sexta-feira, 2 de março de 2012
Europe tour 2012
- ++++++ 2012 dates ++++++
- 04 February - Shiva Trance - São Paulo
- 10 february - Tribalistic Festival - Vale do Aço
- 18 February - Soulvision Festival - SP
- 18 February - Zuvuya Festival - DF
- 13 April - Makunba Nekropolis - SP
- 14 April - Save The Planet - BH
- 22 April - New Delhi - India
- EUROPE 2012 - April to August
- 27 April - TANZ IN DEN MAI - Oberbayern Germany
- 05 May - Entheogenics - Greece
- 12 May - Dark Oasis - Greece
- 26 May - The Psychedelic Brain Damage Night - Austria
- 15 June - Error 404 - Hamburg - Germany
- 23 June - Enter the Void - Salzburg · Austria
- 7 July - Alice-D Label Party - Germany
- 04 August - SHAMANISM - Brasilia Brazil
- 11 August - TWILIGHT ZONE (Megiddo)
- 31 August - DoomsDay HoleClub - São Paulo
- 06 September - Samsara Festival 13 anos - MG
- 21 September - Earthdance São Paulo
- 29 September - Aghori Ritual Pvt_ 8hours - Vale do Acido MG
- 06 October - Forest Family - Brasilia
- 20 October - NECRO RITUAL¨6hours - Nekropolis (Guarulhos)
sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012
sábado, 14 de janeiro de 2012
segunda-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2012
sábado, 7 de janeiro de 2012
segunda-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2012
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